Authority to commence work is integral to good safety management of contractors entering into the principal’s workplace. The system is designed to ensure that contractors are aware of their responsibilities and have the right capability to undertake the work for which they are contracted and for the local management to know what risks are being brought into the workplace and how to manage those risks and the contractors. Supplier health and safety is about the management of contracts and contractors from a safety perspective. It includes authority to commence work as a pre-requisite to the course and goes through the WHS requirements for managing safety delivered by contractors through contracts. HIRAC is Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control and is a half day session on how to implement Qantas policy on risk assessment. Incident Investigation training was developed by Qantas from the RAAF Aircraft Accident Investigation models and adjusted to suit engineering locations. This course covers risk management, root cause analysis, interview techniques for incidents and methods for controlling individual root causes of events.